Attended the exclusive free private screening of The Avengers, (with free popcorn & drinks provided) at WE Cinemas @ Suntec City earlier..
I'm definitely gonna watch it again!
Best fights ever!
These past 2 weeks, I've also watched several movies on DVD...
The Detective 2 [B+偵探] (2011)
Shaolin [新少林寺] (2011)
My Kingdom 《大武生》 (2011)
Hop (2011)
They are all awesome movies! (^_^)
And as usual, here are a few random pics of the week..
Yummilicious! (^_^)
Frosty shake from Wendy's..
Adorable Doraemon iPhone 4 ear jack stub from South Korea!
Thank you, Angela! 감사합니다!
Recycling Box?... (^_^)