Monday, February 4, 2013

This is gonna be a short blog post.. As I wasn't feeling very well last week, thus didn't take many photos during the week.. :p

Last Sunday was my aunt Cynthia's birthday, thus together with my maternal family, we went for some Chinese food for dinner!

It was delicious! :)

Wasn't feeling well since the weekend but that didn't stop me from visiting my hairstylist and changing my haircolor from brown to...

RED! ;p

Also met up with my darling bff that afternoon & we went for tea together.. :)

Playing with bubbles that evening! :)

Sorry.. This little piggy hasn't been feeling very well this week.. :/

Went to visit my grandmothers on Saturday night & after giving my mum a lift home, I went to do some late night shopping in town..

Stopped by a cafe to quench my thirst with this..

Interesting... British Spring Water?


Red or black? ;p

After dyeing my hair a bright red color earlier in the week, I started feeling irritated with myself..

Why is that so?

Cos' I realized I started looking like a walking firecracker everywhere I go, especially amidst the Chinese New Year decorations that were being put up everywhere..

As the Chinese New Year celebrations were drawing close, Chinese New Year decorations could be seen almost everywhere & I started feeling awful as I realized my bright red hair color was blending in with the bright red decorations being seen & hung everywhere..

Decided that I didn't want to look like a part of the Chinese New Year decor, I decided to dye my hair...

Back to black! LOL!

And despite that the black was supposed to be ash black (greyish bluish black) but because my red was too striking, thus it turned out very dark reddish black instead..

Well, at least this color looks more similar to my original hair color which is actually not black but dark brown.. :)

And boy, I'm definitely glad my hair color does not look like a firecracker now & I don't look like a walking firecracker anymore!!!
