Tuesday, January 29, 2008

A four part series sermon to start the New Year with.. Here's the outline of part 2.. 2) Forgiveness..

A four part series sermon to start the New Year with.. Here's the outline of part 2.. 2) Forgiveness.. ( this is my favourite sermon, among the 3 parts so far.. )

Colossians 3:13 - Forgiveness

If we really want to love, we have to learn to forgive..

1. Real forgiveness is unconditional. It is our initiative to forgive.

2. Forgiveness does not minimize the seriousness of the offence. Prov 26:18-19

3. Forgiveness ISN'T resuming a relationship without change

1) There must be genuine repentance.

2) Restitution

3) Rebuilding trust

4. Forgiveness isn't forgetting what has happened.

The way to forget a painful relationship is to move on to a new one.

Concentrate your time on other relationships.

5. Forgiveness isn't my right when I wasn't the one hurt

- We will not do something if we do not see the value in what we do..

The value of forgiveness is that God has a greater future for us

Our past should not hold us captive.

We can't move on if we do not forgive.

* Life is 10% "what happened" & 90% how we react to it.


1. What's most important to you

2. What you stand for

3. What you are willing to pay the price for. Heb 12

4 If we judge what we value by our circumstances, we will devalue what is important to give value to what is momentary.

Heb 12:15

- Put God first

- Get your life in order with God 1st, then followed by family, then work, then ministry.

- Prioritise your life in 2008.

1. Give up your right to get even. Romans 12:19

* Man will never measure up to your expectations. Human beings are fallible, they will definitely disappoint you somehow or rather in life.

2. Set boundaries

3. Respond evil with good

4. Repeat these above steps as long as necessary

Forgiveness is not a one time event. Matt 18:21-22

- What's most important is at the end of the day, only relationships is what we have left when we leave this world.

Romans 8:28