Thursday, January 5, 2012

Tuesday, 3rd of January 2012, was Jonathan Ezra's first day at his new school..

Here's a photo of him setting off for school.. He insists on wearing slippers to school.. -_-"

I accompanied him for half a day in school & left when he was slowly getting adapted to the new environment..

So where did I go & what did I do for the next half of the day?!

Check out the photos! LOL.. (^_-)

Woo Hoo! 開始準備啦! 農歷新年即將來臨了!

Went to buy some Chinese New Year decor!~ ;p 

圣诞节和新年超忙的我,终于现在可以抽空点时间做pedicurefoot spa at The Good Earth Nail Spa!

爽啊! (^_^) 

Wednesday, 4th of January 2012

‎Received some more Christmas pressies today.. & Christmas is almost over! -_-"

‎Received some more lovely surprises today as well! $$$ (^_^)

Curious about what's the "surprises" about?

Here's a hint.. Superstar shops at supermarket for free.. (^_^)


Cooked Rice, Yong Tau Foo soup & Salmon steak for da boys for dinner..

Anybody wants some? LOL! (^_-)