Sunday, August 24, 2014

Wow! It's been 1 month!

Wow! It's been exactly a month ago since I've last blogged here!

So sorry, peeps!

And as usual, I've been super busy with work schedules, appointments, meetings, events, activities, classes, etc etc etc...

And for those who have been following me on my Instagram accounts & my Facebook account, will, of course, be able to see my very regular updates there instead..

So for those who are still not following me there, what are ya waiting for? LOL

Follow me on my public Instagram account: @Graphito (Note: I only allow personal friends to follow me on my private Instagram account: @ionlyliveone)

Follow me on my Facebook account: @Grace Tan Eun Hye


I've been so busy.. It's been some time since I was able to go for a long jog..

The mind is a very important element...LOL

Okay, enough of the emotional musings..

Well, in the midst of my busyness, pleasant surprises ALWAYS do happen!

Received my very own LINE plush doll early one morning!

Happy! Blessed! Thankful! ^_^

That's not all...

Found these guys outside my apartment doorstep one evening.. Did any of you left them there?

Ain't this cute too! ウルトラマン! 咸蛋超人!Ultraman cookie! Thank you, Jonathan!

Speaking of Jonathan.. Spent an awesome fun afternoon (sometime in July) getting wild & wet with my date for the day! lol

Guess where were we?


We also went there to watch the new fireworks show - Wings of Time!


So for those of you who have been my faithful & regular fans/readers of my blog, I'm sure by now you would have noticed some things missing here...

Food! Of course!

Yeah.. How can I not post the pics here? Haha!

I work hard but I also play hard &... EAT WELL!!!


Next up would be some pics of the food I've consumed & enjoyed! (the rest of the food pics taken were uploaded onto my private Instagram account.. :p)

My regular grub & cup O' Joe.. Always need these to wake me up.. Too many late nights my entire life..

Another regular favourite dish of mine which I'll consume whenever I'm feeling tired..

Cold noodles & Tteokbokki!

A few favourites of mine when I'm travelling at work..

日本のカレーラーメン! Japanese Curry Ramen!

日本のカレーライス! Japanese Curry Rice!

Simplicity at its best! Nutellatte @ Yellow Cup Coffee is dope!

Ramen Burger @ Nook's also dope!

Dinner with da homies @ Ambush rocked! ^_^

And launch of the Grilled Chicken McWrap @ McDonalds Singapore a week ago!

So tasty & healthy!

Love it!


Apart from food, what's next would be movie of the month!

Managed to catch a movie at the cinemas with da homies this month!

And guess which movie it is?

Guardians Of The Galaxy's one of the best Marvel movies ever!!!

Enjoyed every single minute of it!

Best duo of the year - Rocket & Groot!


Gonna end this blog post here with a few shameless selfie pics..

So here we go..


Epic stone face.. LOL!

안녕.. おやすみなさい。。晚安。。goodnight..

Adventure Time Finn wishes everyone Goodnight.. 晚安.. おやすみなさい.. 안녕히주무세요..

One of my fav selfie pics taken while I was about to take a short nap during my break in between my schedules..

Got my haircut.. LOL

Took this selfie pic while waiting for my 인삼닭고기수프. Just had a full back massage done then after countless of crazy days rushing from place to place in my crazy schedule..